Life Coaching Services

Explore, define, then build a life in harmony with your core values.

You’re a woman “of an age.” You’ve established yourself, cared for others, built your career.

You’ve always defined yourself by your work… and now your obligations have decreased and you’re thinking about your next phase. Who will you be in this next stage? Without your work? What legacy will you leave? How do you want to feel?

You may feel overwhelmed when you consider just how much time you will have on your hands. Sure, your third act may begin with extra family time, finally reorganizing your house, and lunch dates with longtime friends. You’ll read all the books, go on a little trip, spend the holidays with your growing family… Then you come back home and you feel lost without a predictable structure to your life.

Are you ready to step fully into yourself?

All life transitions can be both exciting and challenging. Transition evokes a lot of feelings. Act 3 Coaching will ease the transition into this next phase of life, helping you craft it with intention and purpose. During our sessions, we’ll work together to explore your values, find clarity on what truly matters to you, and use those insights to shape the routines and structures that bring vibrancy and meaning to your everyday life.

Close-up portrait of a vibrant woman with short gray hair, youthful smile, and beautiful wrinkles.

Coaching Packages

Private Coaching

10 Sessions

Personal coaching sessions focused on your life and goals. This coaching will provide you with a roadmap for your next steps – a roadmap that incorporates your values and interests. The work we do together will give you not only the map and path, but milestones to measure your progress and satisfaction along the way.

Small Group Coaching

8 Sessions

Work alongside 4-5 women exploring similar life questions. The groups will include individual and collaborative work, and your fellow group members will both challenge and support you. Through a combination of individual work and shared discussion, you will find your own path forward and feel part of a larger community of women.

“After a short conversation with Melinda, I was able to process an emotional situation in a different way. Instead of being sad and hurt, I could be understanding and accepting… It left me feeling happy. It was kind of a miracle.

— M.M., age 70

What’s the difference between coaching and therapy?

  • As a life coach, my primary focus is on affecting concrete changes in lifestyles and decision-making processes, all firmly rooted in core values. For instance, you might aspire to discover how to infuse your retirement with purpose and meaning. This is a quintessential life coaching goal. In contrast, therapy often delves into long-standing issues such as relationship struggles, trauma or the deep-seated roots of emotional distress and problem behaviors.

  • As a life coach, I am decidedly action-oriented, guiding you toward the steps needed to achieve your goals, all the while ensuring they are aligned with your core values. While we thoroughly explore your objectives, therapy might invest more time in uncovering the origins of problems and strategies for addressing them. While there is overlap, these practices are not the same.

  • Logistically, life coaches enjoy more freedom to practice across state and country lines, making virtual coaching sessions through platforms like Zoom a convenient option for both of us. Unfortunately, unlike therapy or counseling, life coaching is not covered by insurance.

  • What sets coaching apart is its goal-oriented style, often leading to faster progress compared to open-ended therapy relationships. Typically, my clients and I agree on a set number of sessions and an agreed-upon financial arrangement, fostering clarity about the duration of our partnership. Of course, clients always have the option to extend our work with additional sessions. This structure differs from the usual therapy structure, which is often more protracted.

“I don't want to look up a year from now and find myself in exactly the same place, wishing for the exact same things. I am capable of more than this — Its time I lit a fire under myself and proved it.”

— Brooke Hampton